New Disease Reports (2009) 20, 24.

Mycosphaerella dearnessii occurs in Slovenia

D. Jurc 1* and M. Jurc 2


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Accepted: 16 Dec 2009

One-year-old needles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) (Fig. 1A) and stone pine (P. mugo) (Fig. 1B) growing in parks in Bled and Ljubljana, Slovenia, were found dead or blighted in 2008 and 2009. A total of 15 trees had damage ranging from scattered twigs with affected needles to more extensive browning in the crown. All affected trees were removed and destroyed. When needles were placed in damp conditions, light yellow-brown to olive-green conidial slime was produced in short cirrhi from raised black areas with slits on both sides of the needles (Fig. 1C). The black areas (condiomata) contained light brown conidia, straight or curved, with a rounded apex and truncate base, thick and verrucose wall, and 0-6 septa. In water, they measured 30 (16-42) x 4 (2-5) μm (Fig. 2A, 2B). Mycelia arising from sterilised pieces of brown needles formed slow growing colonies on malt extract agar (MEA), quickly covered with a slimy mass of conidia. The characteristics of this fungus correspond to the Lecanosticta acicola anamorph of Mycosphaerella dearnessii, the cause of brown-spot needle blight (Anon., 2005). Samples of the diseased needles and pure cultures of the fungus were deposited in the Herbarium of the Slovenian Forestry Institute (Nos. 1666-1668).

We sprayed a spore suspension of the fungus in distilled water (67 x 103 spores/ml) on needles of 12 shoots of three stone pines and enclosed the shoots in polyethylene bags for two days in June 2009. All treated plants were held in secure phytosanitary conditions. After two weeks, small yellow discolourations began to appear on the inoculated needles (Fig. 3A), turning brown after eleven weeks (Fig. 3B). We re-isolated L. acicola in October 2009 from the brown spots, on which stromata were now appearing (Fig. 3C). The needles of the control shoots sprayed with distilled water were undamaged. This is the first report of M. dearnessii in Slovenia. Brown spot needle blight was earlier reported throughout the Alpine region by Holdenrieder & Sieber (1995). More recently it has spread to the Czech Republic (Jankovsky et al., 2009).

Figure 1: Brown to grey needles on (A) Scots pine and (B) stone pine infected with brown-spot needle blight; (C) conidial masses protruding from both sides of the conidiomata under damp conditions (bar 1 mm).
Figure 1: Brown to grey needles on (A) Scots pine and (B) stone pine infected with brown-spot needle blight; (C) conidial masses protruding from both sides of the conidiomata under damp conditions (bar 1 mm).
Figure 2: Conidia in (A) water showing light brown colouration and verrucose structure (bar 50 µm), and (B) in lactophenol-cotton blue showing septa and a thickened wall (bar 20 µm)
Figure 2: Conidia in (A) water showing light brown colouration and verrucose structure (bar 50 µm), and (B) in lactophenol-cotton blue showing septa and a thickened wall (bar 20 µm)
Figure 3: A) Yellow patches on the needle 6 weeks (16/08/2009) after inoculation, (B) browning of the tissue after 11 weeks (14/09/2009), (C) ten days old isolate of Lecanosticta anamorph formed on dead needle tissue with stromata of the fungus 14 weeks after inoculation (06/10/2009)
Figure 3: A) Yellow patches on the needle 6 weeks (16/08/2009) after inoculation, (B) browning of the tissue after 11 weeks (14/09/2009), (C) ten days old isolate of Lecanosticta anamorph formed on dead needle tissue with stromata of the fungus 14 weeks after inoculation (06/10/2009)


This work was supported by the projects V4-0352, L4-9585-040-06 and research programs P4-0107 and P481-301.


  1. Anonymous, 2005. EPPO Diagnostic protocols for regulated pests - PM 7/46, Mycosphaerella dearnessii. Bulletin OEPP/EPPO 35, 299-302.
  2. Holdenrieder O, Sieber TN, 1995. First report of Mycosphaerella dearnessii in Switzerland. European Journal of Forest Pathology 25, 293-295.
  3. Jankovský L, Palovčíková O, Tomšovský O, 2008. Brown spot needle blight associated with Mycosphaerella dearnessii occurs on Pinus rotundata in the Czech Republic. New Disease Reports [], Volume 18.

This report was formally published in Plant Pathology

©2009 The Authors